Mylapore Academy Award
The Hindu Senior Secondary School, Indira Nagar, Chennai -20 has won the Anubhav Plantations Silver Rolling Trophy for well maintained school garden in Chennai City for the year 2013 from The Mylapore Academy.
Going Global!
The school students have a long ‘Success Tradition’ in academic as well as co-curricular activities and the school with every passing academic year carries forward a legacy of hard work, all-round participation and development of the students. Having won laurels and achieved recognition at both global and national levels, the institute and the students have been in the limelight throughout.
The school received the International School Award from the British Council in the year 2010. The principal, Mrs. Padmini Sriraman received the award from Mr. Paul Sellers, Director, British Council (South India) at the International School Award Ceremony held at Chennai, in the presence of Mr. Mike Nithavrianakis, British Deputy High Commissioner.The ISA is an accreditation scheme run by the British Council, for the Department of Children, Schools and Families in the UK.
The same year, Portsmouth Central Library and The University of Portsmouth in the UK, collaborated on a project to enhance use of Visual Libraries. British Council joined hands to take the initiative further in India. Chennai was the first city chosen to pilot this project and our school went on to become an important segment of this initiative. In this regard, we had Dr. Maureen O’Neill, Senior Lecturer, School of Art, Design and Media, Portsmouth and Claire Sambrook, Senior Lecturer, University of Portsmouth visiting our school on 19th of August, 2010.
Furthermore, The Hindu Senior Secondary School and Copenhagen Open High School, Denmark have developed a global partnership and have agreed to work on the project “Effects of Climate Change” as part of The Pilot Project. The Pilot Project is a project set up by a network of Danish High Schools and a number of schools from various parts of the world including India, Kenya, Egypt and Tanzania. Our teacher, Mrs. Thilothama Ravi visited Denmark for a week, representing our school in the same. She participated in the co- teaching programme, aimed at motivating students to participate in different educational activities and learn more on the cultural differences and global issues of the world.
Our school has recently established a partnership with Stanton under Bardon Community Primary School, England through the British Council. This Global School Partnership is directed with the objective to bring about global education through joint activities so that the children are sensitive to global issues, are able to critically analyse and develop mutual respect for the whole mankind. The primary section of our school is working in coordination with the students of Stanton under Bardon Community Primary School. The curriculum project chosen is ‘Go Green’. This partnership has helped and will continue to help the students of our school as well as the partner school to work together, which in turn would be a significant step in solving global problems, and also provide an opportunity to learn more about them and the world around them
As the initial part of the exchange program, Mr. Daniel Shirley of the U.K school was in our school in the month of April, giving an opportunity to exchange ideas, skills and knowledge on the chosen themes. An appreciation of our environment and its living things, valuing resources, willingness to take care of the environment, and taking responsibility for a greener earth and spreading the message of a ‘Cleaner And Greener Earth’ marked the beginning of this exchange program. Mr. Daniel has carried back with him the essence of the visit along with some displays made by our students to be shared with the students of his school. This will mark the beginning an exchange of ideas on various topics in the days to come.
As part of the reciprocal visit, Mrs. Chandra Chandrashekharan visited the UK school in November, 2011.The children at Stanton were made aware of Indian customs and culture. Over the coming months, the students of both the schools would continue to work with greater enthusiasm and interaction via tools like Skype etc..
Global Youth Leadership Conference-2011
Our school Head Boy, Anirud Sudarsan was invited to the Global Youth Leadership Conference-2011 held at Washington DC.
“The ten days I spent at the Global Young Leaders Conference were without a doubt the most enjoyable days ever. 7 days at Washington DC, and 3 days in NewYork, GYLC has brought about a significant change in me, and I am sure it did for the 400 other students who came in from different parts of the world. The interaction that I had with people belonging to diverse cultures has not only enlightened me about different cultures, but also made me realise how important my own culture is. I was presented with this golden opportunity to attend the GYLC by my school and I must thank them from the bottom of my heart to have given me such a wonderful opportunity.”

Global School Partnership Award :
Best innovative and creative project ( Primary ) from British Council
Times NIE Award – Vaishnavi Ramaswamy :
Class XII – One among the Top 20 Times scholars – She received a certificate, cash award of Rs.5 lakh and a medal from Shashi Tharoor ( Minister of state for Human Resource Development, Delhi )