Founder’s Day & Annual Day celebrations

The Hindu Senior Secondary School, Indira Nagar celebrated its founder’s day [V.T.Rangaswami Iyengar] and the senior school annual day on 01/09/2012 in the school auditorium. It was a day of fun and great learning for all the students. D.T.Sudharsan Rao the regional officer, CBSE, Chennai lit the lamp and inaugurated the function. The lamp was further lit by Mrs.Sudharsan Rao and the school’s Principal, Mrs.Padmini Sriraman. The evening began with a nice welcome speech by the school’s Vice-Principal, Mr.Kasiviswanathan. The annual report was given by the Principal. Everybody were elated to hear the school’s achievement in the year 2011-12.The chief guest D.T.Sudharsan Rao gave a thought-provoking speech on the values that one must learn from the school. Sri.B.S.Ragahavan I.A.S (Retd.), the President of Hindu Educational Organization also ignited the minds of the audience with his wonderful speech on how parents should be the role-models for their kids.

This was followed by a speech by Dr.K.Ganesan who emphasized the role of teachers in a school. Next was the award function. The first award was awarded to Mukund Ram, who secured the first rank in the State level in 12th standard. Other rank holders were also given awards. Mrs. Chandra Chandrashekaran, Mrs.Uma Maheshwari and Mr.Sairam were awarded for their 25 years of service. The best-turnout award, the general-proficiency award and the 100% attendance award were also given to the students. Now came the most awaited event of the evening – NANDALALA, a drama by the students of the Hindu Senior Secondary School. The students portrayed the stories of Lord Krishna in a scenic way. Mrs. Begum, Mrs.Hemalatha, Mrs.Gomathi, Mrs.Fathima Khan, Mrs.Vatsala and Miss.Manorama ,choreographed and were instrumental in the success of the cultural evening. Finally the vote of thanks was given by the school’s vice-principal II, Mrs.Rajakalai. On the whole the founder’s day and school annual day was a grand success.

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